Rapid Prototyping with LearningDiary.com
This weekend, I took the time to build a service to keep track of your learning. People today are not looking for another tool to solve their problems unless it solves a genuine problem but rather want an added experience with their existing tools.
Prototyping apps is becoming easier and simpler with the tools developers have access to today and I believe it is going to become shorter and shorter in the near future.
Further, the best way you are learning is to actually be able to measure it. "If you can't measure it, it doesn't exist"
So, LearningDiary sends you an email everyday asking you what you learned today. As you log more learnings, it tracks what you wrote about recently and the next email has a snippet of what you learned from the past, a reference for you to know what to focus on next.
- Node Express.JS 2. Mandrill SMTP as a service 3. Passport.js for Authentication 4. MongoHQ for for Users, Mails 5. Moment.js which is great to look at time/timezone manipulation in Javascript.
Give it a go.